
Trey Teter

Software Engineer

March 2022 Newsletter

Partner Go-Live announcements!

Trustworthy We are excited to announce another new Q2 Marketplace Partner, Trustworthy!

Trustworthy is the Family Operating System, an online service that helps modern families curate, manage, and optimize their important information — IDs, Money, Property, Passwords, Insurance, Taxes, Legal, Emergency Instructions and the Family Archive.

Visit the digital catalog today to learn more or bring Trustworthy to your institution!

SDK News Corner

Widget Improvement

The team recently shipped a new way to add widgets in the sandbox, and this month the team has improved the query param method to be able to display multiple widgets at once. To see multiple widgets at the same time, add the following to the end of the URL:

?widget_location={location for the first widget}&widget_name={name of the first widget.entrypoint of the widget}& widget_location={location for the second widget}&widget_name={name of the widget.entrypoint of the second widget}

For more information, see Widgets in the Q2 SDK documentation.

Second Quarter Training

The Caliper SDK training is coming up on May 10-12th. The Caliper SDK team gives guided practice to learn industry best practices and practical knowledge about development on the industry-leading Caliper SDK. For more information on the course see the training agenda page. To sign up your team for our next session, please visit the training page.

Updates to q2 frontend(q2 tecton)

The q2 frontend command has been renamed to q2 tecton. Since q2 frontend was a CLI-only command, no code changes will need to be taken to use these new features. This CLI entrypoint will take you through a series of prompts to help configure your Tecton module for display in UUX. This feature takes the guesswork out of configuring your module as a tab, dropdown, or standalone extension.

Additional SDK Improvements

In addition to the bigger changes detailed above, this month's SDK releases also include the following additional improvements.

  • Added get_audit_session to AuditRecord DbObject. The AuditRecord table is very difficult to get data from because it gets posted faster than any other table. Thus, a very targeted method such as get_audit_session which queries the database by a session_id can be done safely to get useful user action information from their current session.
  • Added delete to UserPropertyData DbObject.
  • Running q2 update_installed on SSO extensions will now correctly update RENDER_IN_NEW_WINDOW.
  • Improved caching security in Ardent extensions in multitenant scenarios.
  • VaultInfo DbPlan InstallStep now works with local vault mocking.
  • Hardened the use of nvm throughout the product, including with the q2 lint and q2 test commands.
  • q2 db update_wedge_address now works with URLs up to 256 characters in length (up from 50).

Tecton News

q2-calendar improvements

The q2-calendar component has been updated to remove the dependency on moment.js. This change in implementation greatly reduces the payload for the q2-calendar component and provides a significant boost to performance. In addition to these enhancements, the q2-calendar component now includes a customizable year assumption. This improvement allows you to customize within the component whether the default year that users start with is this year, last year, or next year.

Improved keyboard and accessibility for q2-select and q2-calendar

Improved keyboard and accessibility for both the q2-select and q2-calendar components. If the field is in focus, the space key will open/close the component. PageUp and PageDown will go up or down 10 items respectively for q2-select. Tab will select the value and then continue. Esc like Escape will close the dropdown.

Additional Tecton Improvement

  • Users can now call the focus() method on Tecton components so that they can focus on the logical element within the shadow DOM.

New Team Opening

The team is seeking an experienced Partner Success Manager to help create win-win relationships with Innovation Studio partners - maximizing growth and revenue generation through Q2’s banking marketplaces. The ideal candidate has strong experience in partner and/or account management, has exceptional communication and organization skills, is resourceful and tenacious. Specific experience in an open ecosystem / marketplace-style business model is preferred. Learn More

Latest Releases

Caliper SDK (Python) 2.125.1 - CHANGELOG

Tecton SDK (Javascript) 1.10.9 - CHANGELOG

Marketplace (Python) 0.8.3 - CHANGELOG