Core Extension - Change of Address

Q2 Product Accelerator
Provides a real-time, seamless experience for retail users to update their address, phone number, and email information in online banking.

Features & Benefits

Real Time Address & Contact Updates

Enable users to verify and edit the following form fields:

  • Physical/Primary Address
  • Mailing/Alternate Address
  • Home, Mobile, and Work Phone Number
  • Primary and Alternate Email Address

Field Validations

Allow users to enter their own address information, or select to use a USPS verified United States Address. Enforce flexible validations and restrictions based on Core address standards, like PO Box validation and character limits.

International Address Updates

Give users the option to add international addresses to Core and the Q2 Online Banking system.

Flexible Updates

Users can modify addresses at the Person or Account level, depending on what your core supports. This enables data consistency between digital banking and your system of record.